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Fire Evacuation Plans for Flats and Apartments

Landlords and property management agents have a statutory obligation under Section 10 (3) of the Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2017 to ensure that each rented property in a multi-unit development is provided with a suitable fire evacuation plan. It does not apply to a single house that is let to a single tenant.

Section 4.6 of the Guide to Fire Safety in Flats, Bedsitters and Apartments also has the following requirement:
A drawing of each floor should be displayed inside the entrance door to each flat, showing all escape routes from the building.
Section 4.10 elaborates:
The following information should also be provided on the floor plan of the building, as appropriate:
  • The location of all relevant escape routes from the building.
  • The location of fire alarm call points and fire alarm control panel.
  • The location of firefighting equipment.
These plans should also include a fire action notice that describes the action to be taken on discovering a fire or on hearing the fire alarm. They should also show the fire assembly point and any special provisions for people with disabilities.

Local county councils throughout the country will require landlords and property management agents to provide a compliant fire evacuation plan in any rented accommodation that is let them.

Whether you are a landlord who needs one plan for a small apartment or a property management agent who needs dozens of plans for a block, get in touch and we'll get it sorted for you.
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